Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Computer Organization and Architecture by William Stallings 6 edition

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Computer Organization and Architecture by William Stallings 6 edition 
Publisher: Prentice Hall; 6 edition (July 15, 2002) | ISBN-10: 0130351199 | PDF | 76 Mb | 750 pages

This book provides a clear, comprehensive presentation of the la developments in the organization and architecture of modern-day computers, emphasizing both fundamental principles and the critical role of performance in driving computer design. A basic reference and companion for self-study, it conveys concepts through a wealth of concrete examples highlighting modern CISC and RISC systems. A five-part organization covers: an overview, the computer system, the central processing unit, the control unit, and parallel organization. For computer engineers and architects, product marketing personnel in computer or communications companies, and for information systems and computer systems personnel.

Fundamentals of Aerodynamics John D. Anderson and Solution Manual


Solution Manual

Monday, February 7, 2011

Introduction to Radar Systems by Merrill L Skolnik

Publisher: Mcgraw-Hill | edition 1980 | 640 pages | ISBN: 0070579091 | PDF | 43,3 mb 
Although the fundamentals of radar have changed little since the publication of the first edition, there has been continual development of new radar capabilities and continual improvements to the technology and practice of radar. This growth has necessitated extensive revisions and the introduction of topics not found in the original, including MTI radar, ADT and electronically steered phased-array antenna.

The ACS Style Guide: Effective Communication of Scientific Information (An American Chemical Society Publication) By Anne M. Coghill, Lorrin R. Garson

  • Publisher: An American Chemical Society Publication
  • Number Of Pages: 448
  • Publication Date: 2006-07-20
  • ISBN-10 / ASIN: 0841239991
  • ISBN-13 / EAN: 9780841239999
  • Binding: Hardcover

Product Description: 
In the time since the second edition of The ACS Style Guide was published, the rapid growth of electronic communication has dramatically changed the scientific, technical, and medical (STM) publication world. This dynamic mode of dissemination is enabling scientists, engineers, and medical
practitioners all over the world to obtain and transmit information quickly and easily. An essential constant in this changing environment is the requirement that information remain accurate, clear, unambiguous, and ethically sound.

This extensive revision of The ACS Style Guide thoroughly examines electronic tools now available to assist STM writers in preparing manuscripts and communicating with publishers. Valuable updates include discussions of markup languages, citation of electronic sources, online submission of
manuscripts, and preparation of figures, tables, and structures. In keeping current with the changing environment, this edition also contains references to many resources on the internet.

With this wealth of new information, The ACS Style Guide's Third Edition continues its long tradition of providing invaluable insight on ethics in scientific communication, the editorial process, copyright, conventions in chemistry, grammar, punctuation, spelling, and writing style for any STM
author, reviewer, or editor. The Third Edition is the definitive source for all information needed to write, review, submit, and edit scholarly and scientific manuscripts.


Sunday, February 6, 2011

Solutions Manual : class 1 and class 2 problems in Transport phenomena By R. Byron Bird

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  • Publisher: Wiley
  • Number Of Pages: 174
  • Publication Date: 1960
  • ISBN-10 / ASIN: B0007H9L3S
  • ISBN-13 / EAN:

Solution Manual: Transport Phenomena by Bird, Stewart & Lightfoot, 2nd edition.

Free download eBook: Solution Manual of Transport Phenomena by Bird, Stewart & Lightfoot, 2nd edition.

Error Control Coding: Fundamentals and Applications (Prentice-Hall Computer Applications in Electrical Engineering Series) By Shu Lin, Daniel J. Costello

* * * Publisher:* Prentice Hall
* * * Number Of Pages:* 603
* * * Publication Date:* 1983
* * * ISBN-10 / ASIN:* 013283796X
* * * ISBN-13 / EAN:* 9780132837965
* * * Binding:* Hardcover

Product Description:

A reorganized and comprehensive major revision of a classic book, this edition provides a bridge between introductory digital communications and more advanced treatment of information theory. Completely updated to cover the latest developments, it presents state-of-the-art error control techniques. Coverage of the fundamentals of coding and the applications of codes to the design of real error control systems. Contains the most recent developments of coded modulation, trellises for codes, soft-decision decoding algorithms, turbo coding for reliable data transmission and other areas. There are two new chapters on Reed-Solomon codes & concatenated coding schemes. Also contains hundreds of new and revised examples; and more than 200 illustrations of code structures, encoding and decoding circuits and error performance of many important codes and error control coding systems. Appropriate for those with minimum mathematical background as a comprehensive reference for coding theory.

Chemical Engineering Volume 1, Sixth Edition (Coulson and Richardsons Chemical Engineering) (Coulson and Richardsons Chemical Engineering) By J R Backhurst, J H Harker, J.F. Richardson, J.M. Coulson

Chemical Engineering Volume 1, Sixth Edition (Coulson and Richardsons Chemical Engineering) (Coulson and Richardsons Chemical Engineering) By J R Backhurst, J H Harker, J.F. Richardson, J.M. Coulson
  • Publisher: Butterworth-Heinemann
  • Number Of Pages: 928
  • Publication Date: 1999-11-08
  • ISBN-10 / ASIN: 0750644443
  • ISBN-13 / EAN: 9780750644440
  • Binding: Paperback

Book Description
Coulson and Richardson's classic series provides the student with an account of the fundamentals of chemical engineering and constitutes the definitive work on the subject for academics and practitioners. Each book provides clear explanations of theory and thorough coverage of practical applications, supported by numerous worked examples and problems. Thus, the text is designed for students as well as being comprehensive in coverage.

This volume covers the three main transport process of interest to chemical engineers - momentum transfer (fluid flow), heat transfer and mass transfer and the relationships between them. The concluding chapter covers an application where each of these processes is occurring simultaneously - water cooling and humidification. The topics covered form the theoretical basis for much of the material in the later volumes of the series.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Introductory Digital Signal Processing with Computer Applications, 2E

Publisher: Wiley
Keywords: computer, applications, processing, signal, digital, introductory
Number of Pages: 494
Published: 1998-04
List price: unknow
ISBN-10: 0471976318
ISBN-13: 9780471976318

Book Description:

Introductory Digital Signal Processing with Computer Applications Second Edition Paul A. Lynn formerly: Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine, London, UK and Wolfgang Fuerst United Nations, New York, USA "An excellent introductory book" (Review of the First Edition in the International Journal of Electrical Engineering Education) ".it will serve as a reference book in this area for a long time" (Review of Revised Edition in Zentralblatt für Mathematik (Germany)) Firmly established over the last decade as the essential introductory Digital Signal Processing (DSP) text, this second edition reflects the growing importance of random digital signals and random DSP in the undergraduate syllabus by including two new chapters. The authors’ practical, problem-solving approach to DSP continues in this new material, which is packed up by additional worked examples and computer programs. The book now features:
* fundamentals of digital signals and systems
* time and frequency domain analysis and processing, including digital convolution and the Discrete and Fast Fourier Transforms
* design and practical application of digital filters
* description and processing of random signals, including correlation, filtering, and the detection of signals in noise
Programs in C and equivalent PASCAL can be found on the books supplementary website. Typical results and graphic plots from all the programs are illustrated and discussed in the main text. The overall approach assumes no prior knowledge of electronics, computing, or DSP. An ideal text for undergraduate students in electrical, electronic and other branches of engineering, computer science, applied mathematics and physics. Practising engineers and scientists will also find this a highly accessible introduction to an increasingly important field.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Introduccion a la Termodinamica Ing. Quimica - Introduction to Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics [SPANISH] by J. M. Smith, Van Ness, Abb

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* * * Publisher:* McGraw-Hill Interamericana
* * * Number Of Pages:*
* * * Publication Date:* 2000-08
* * * ISBN-10 / ASIN:* 9701013336
* * * ISBN-13 / EAN:* 9789701013335
* * * Binding:* Paperback

Introducción a la Termodinámica en IngenierÃ*a QuÃ*mica, presenta una cobertura amplia del objetivo de la termodinamica desde el punto de vista de la ingenieria quimica. El textoproporciona una exposicion minuciosa de los principios de la termodinamica y pormenores de sus aplicacion a los procesos quimicos. Los capitulos se redactan con claridad y se organizan de manera logica, contienen una gran
cantidad de problemas reales, ejemplos e ilustraciones, a fin de ayudar a los estudiantes a entender conceptos complicados. Nuevas ideas, terminos y simbolos desafian continuamente al lector a pensar y lo estimulan a que aplique este conjunto esencial de conocimiento a la solucion de problemas utiles. La amplia naturaleza de este libro lo hace una util referencia, tanto en cursos de universitarios como para la practica profesional. Lo sobresaliente de esta sexta edicion incluye: Actuacion y reordenamiento del material para hacerlo mas accesible al usuario y adaptable a cursos de diferentes extension y contenido. La parte sobre termodinamica molecular se agrupa en un solo capitulo al final del libro. Una revision y correcion de todo el texto, basandose en varias exploraciones externas de cada uno y de todos los capitulos. El tratamiento de las ecuaciones del estado ha sido revisado y ampliado a profundidad, con aplicaciones que se presentan en diversos capitulos. El equilibrio de fase se desarrolla en etapas; primero se presenta con los modelos simples y posteriormente los tratamientos complejos.



Solution Manual :Signals, Systems and Transforms (3rd Edition) Charles L. Phillips , John M. Parr , Eve A. Riskin

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Book Summary of Signals, Systems, And Transforms (3rd Edition)

A clear, comprehensive presentation of both the theory and applications in signals, systems, and transforms, this book presents the mathematical background of signals and systems in relation to practical theory. Well-written and well-organized, it contains many examples and problems for reinforcement of the concepts presented. This book presents the mathematical background of signals and systems, including the Fourier transform, the Fourier series, the Laplace transform, the discrete-time and the discrete Fourier transforms, and the z-transform. For electrical and computer engineers.


Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Linear Algebra and Its Applications third edition by David C.Lay

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David C. Lay, "Linear Algebra and Its Applications"
Addison Wesley | 2005 | ISBN: 0321287134 | 576 pages | PDF | 14,8 MB
Quote:Linear algebra is relatively easy for students during the early stages of the course, when the material is presented in a familiar, concrete setting. But when abstract concepts are introduced, students often hit a brick wall. Instructors seem to agree that certain concepts (such as linear independence, spanning, subspace, vector space, and linear transformations), are not easily understood, and require time to assimilate. Since they are fundamental to the study of linear algebra, students' understanding of these concepts is vital to their mastery of the subject. Lay introduces these concepts early in a familiar, concrete Rn setting, develops them gradually, and returns to them again and again throughout the text so that when discussed in the abstract, these concepts are more accessible.

Programmable Logic Controllers, Fourth Edition by W.Bolton.

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Programmable Logic Controllers, Fourth Edition
by W. Bolton
N--s | English | 2006 | ISBN: 0750681128 | 304 pages | PDF | 4.05 MB

 Programmable Logic Controllers, 4th Edition, 2006 by W. Bolton This is the introduction to PLCs for which baffled students, technicians and managers have been waiting. In this straightforward, easy-to-read guide, Bill Bolton has kept the jargon to a minimum, considered all the programming methods in the standard IEC 1131-3 - in particular ladder programming, and presented the subject in a way that is not device specific to ensure maximum applicability to courses in electronics and control systems.Now in its fourth edition, this best-selling text has been expanded with increased coverage of industrial systems and PLCs and more consideration has been given to IEC 1131-3 and all the programming methods in the standard. The new edition brings the book fully up to date with the current developments in PLCs, describing new and important applications such as PLC use in communications (e.g. Ethernet an extremely popular system), and safety in particular proprietary emergency stop relays (now appearing in practically every PLC based system).The coverage of commonly used PLCs has been increased, including the ever popular Allen Bradley PLCs, making this book an essential source of information both for professionals wishing to update their knowledge, as well as students who require a straight forward introduction to this area of control engineering.Having read this book, readers will be able to:* Identify the main design characteristics and internal architecture of PLCs* Describe and identify the characteristics of commonly used input and output devices* Explain the processing of inputs and outputs of PLCs* Describe communication links involved with control systems* Develop ladder programs for the logic functions AND, OR, NOT, NAND, NOT and XOR* Develop functional block, instruction list, structured text and sequential function chart programs* Develop programs using internal relays, timers, counters, shift registers, sequencers and data handling* Identify safety issues with PLC systems* Identify methods used for fault diagnosis, ing and debugging programs

Mass Transfer Operations, 3rd Edition (McGraw-Hill International Editions) by Robert E. Treybal

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Mass Transfer Operations, 3rd Edition (McGraw-Hill International Editions) by Robert E. Treybal
Publisher: McGraw Hill Higher Education
Number Of Pages: 789
Publication Date: 1980-05-01
ISBN-10 / ASIN: 0070666156
ISBN-13 / EAN: 9780070666153
Binding: Paperback 

Free Download ebook mass_transfer_operations_-_robert_treybal.pdf (30.27 MB)


Organic Chemistry By Jonathan Clayden, Nick Greeves, Stuart Warren, Peter Wothers

Organic Chemistry By Jonathan Clayden, Nick Greeves, Stuart Warren, Peter Wothers
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Publisher:* * Oxford University Press, USA
* * * Number Of Pages:* 1536
* * * Publication Date:* 2000-08-31
* * * ISBN-10 / ASIN:* 0198503466
* * * ISBN-13 / EAN:* 9780198503460
* * * Binding:* Paperback
Product Description:
This new and innovative text helps students develop a deeper understanding of organic chemistry. It treats the subject as a coherent whole, complete with numerous logical connections, consequences, and an underlying structure and "language." Employing an approach based on mechanism and reaction type, the book empasizes understanding ideas rather than merely memorizing facts. It shows students how to realistically draw molecules and mechanisms to reveal the fundamental chemistry.Using a fresh, accessible writing style as well as examples from everyday life, the authors explain the basics of organic chemistry carefully and thoroughly. A special focus on mechanism, orbitals, and stereochemistry helps students gain a solid comprehension of important factors common to all reactions. The book's innovative design enhances clarity and instruction with boxes that separate summary information and other material from the main text; a variety of colors that draw attention to items such as atoms, molecules, and orbitals; and figures that are drawn in red with significant parts emphasized in black. Early chapters feature carbonyl group reactions, and later chapters systematically develop the chemistry through discussions of spectroscopy, stereochemistry, and chemical reactions.Each chapter opens with a "Connections" box, divided into three columns:Building on: Details material from previous chapters that relate to the current chapterArriving at: Provides a guide to the content of the chapterLooking forward to: Previews later chapters, which develop and expand the current material
This new and innovative text helps students develop a deeper understanding of organic chemistry. It treats the subject as a coherent whole, complete with numerous logical connections, consequences, and an underlying structure and "language." Employing an approach based on mechanism and reaction type, the book empasizes understanding ideas rather than merely memorizing facts. It shows students how to realistically draw molecules and mechanisms to reveal the fundamental chemistry.Using a fresh, accessible writing style as well as examples from everyday life, the authors explain the basics of organic chemistry carefully and thoroughly. A special focus on mechanism, orbitals, and stereochemistry helps students gain a solid comprehension of important factors common to all reactions. The book's innovative design enhances clarity and instruction with boxes that separate summary information and other material from the main text; a variety of colors that draw attention to items such as atoms, molecules, and orbitals; and figures that are drawn in red with significant parts emphasized in black. Early chapters feature carbonyl group reactions, and later chapters systematically develop the chemistry through discussions of spectroscopy, stereochemistry, and chemical reactions.Each chapter opens with a "Connections" box, divided into three columns:Building on: Details material from previous chapters that relate to the current chapterArriving at: Provides a guide to the content of the chapterLooking forward to: Previews later chapters, which develop and expand the current material
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